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Reasons to Trust the Bible: Cracking the Code

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In a modern world filled with skepticism, it's essential to explore the historical foundations of our faith by delving into the question: Why should we trust the Bible? This article takes a journey through the annals of time to uncover the profound historical reliability of the Bible. We will unravel the mystery surrounding the selection of books that made it into this sacred text. Our endeavor seeks to disprove a popular conspiracy theory while meticulously examining the four key criteria that ensure we have the right books in our Bible.

Why These Books?

The Bible, comprised of the Old and New Testaments, stands as a cornerstone of Christianity. However, it's not often that we ponder the meticulous process that led to the inclusion of certain texts while excluding others. This exploration, therefore, is not merely about what's within these sacred pages but about why these specific books were chosen and, conversely, why others were not.


The term "canon" might conjure images of large, booming artillery in the minds of some, but in the context of the Bible, it holds a different significance. The canon is the exclusive collection of authoritative books that form the foundation of Christian faith. The term originates from the Greek language, where it denotes a rule or standard. For Christians, these canonical books represent the supreme standard against which they live their lives.

Disproving the Conspiracy Theory

In the realm of religious history, few conspiracy theories have garnered as much attention as the one propagated in Dan Brown's "The Da Vinci Code." The theory suggests that influential bishops, swayed by the pagan emperor Constantine, conspired in the fourth century to cherry-pick their favorite texts, suppress others, and destroy any documents that didn't align with their views. According to this theory, the New Testament, as we know it today, was essentially constructed by a small group of powerful individuals.

However, historical evidence decisively refutes this conspiracy theory. The reality is that early Christianity did not witness an inundation of diverse and conflicting texts. Indeed, the Christian writings confidently dated to the first century align remarkably well with the books that ultimately formed the New Testament. Moreover, by the first half of the second century, a group of teachers known as the apostolic fathers were already in doctrinal agreement with the soon-to-be canonical texts. It was only in the latter part of the second century, a full century after most New Testament books were written, that dissenting texts began to appear. Even these later writings show an awareness of the earlier, widely accepted books, underscoring their position as challengers to a firmly established tradition. Therefore, the conspiracy theory's claim of a wholesale suppression of equal but differing texts lacks historical substantiation.

The thorough examination of historical records leaves little room for doubt that the New Testament canon evolved as a result of an organic, gradual process rather than a conspiracy. The criteria used for inclusion were based on apostolicity, antiquity, orthodoxy, and universality, not the whims of powerful elites seeking to manipulate religious truth. This clear, robust selection process lends credence to the notion that the Bible, as we know it today, stands as a reliable witness to the life and teachings of Jesus Christ.

1. Canonicity

Now, let's delve deeper into the concept of canonicity, the process by which specific texts were recognized as authoritative and included in the Bible. This meticulous process is anchored in four primary criteria:

2. Apostolicity

The first criterion, apostolicity, demanded that the books were either authored by Jesus's original apostles or by individuals who had close, direct associations with them. This criterion ensured that the selected books carried the stamp of reliability and accuracy, as they were grounded in firsthand experiences of those who walked with Jesus.

3. Antiquity

Closely related to apostolicity, the criterion of antiquity emphasized that to carry apostolic authority, a text had to originate in the first century. This requirement stemmed from the fact that the apostles were no longer present by the beginning of the second century. This criterion aimed to preserve the firsthand experiences and teachings of Jesus.

4. Orthodoxy

The third criterion for a book's inclusion in the canon revolved around its adherence to the teachings and truths that Jesus himself had imparted. Initially, much of this tradition was transmitted orally. However, as time passed and various Gospels and epistles were penned and accepted as authoritative, the canon itself emerged as the benchmark against which new texts were assessed. If a text conflicted with the already accepted books, it faced rejection.

5. Universality

Universality served as the fourth and final criterion. For a text to earn the esteemed position of being included in the canon, it needed to be cherished and employed by Christians in every corner of the known world. Any text associated with a particular sect or limited to a specific region faced exclusion. Conversely, a text found favor among Christians worldwide had a strong case for inclusion.


The Bible, a sacred repository of faith, morality, and divine guidance, emerges from a rigorous and meticulous process. The texts it comprises were not arbitrarily chosen but meticulously received and faithfully transmitted from one generation to another. The canon of the Bible represents the culmination of this painstaking process, serving as a testament to the dedication and discernment of early Christians. Consequently, when we open the Bible today, we do so with confidence that the words we encounter accurately reflect the life, teachings, and events surrounding Jesus Christ. The Bible stands as a testament to both history and faith, anchoring our beliefs in a rich tapestry of tradition and reliability.

Warm Welcome Space

The Warm Welcome Space is open at Cale Green Life Centre every Thursday, from 10am to 12 noon

Lots to do

Newspapers, board games and craft activities are available free.

Café open

Open for cake, hot drinks and a light lunch. All free.


Toddlers takes place every Friday morning during school term times, from 9:30am to 11:30am, at Cale Green Life Centre, 71 Adswood Rd, Stockport, SK3 8HR.

Who is Toddlers for?

Toddlers is for children aged from birth through to 4 years old, together with their parents and carers.

What does it cost?

It costs just £2.00 for one adult with one child, plus an extra 50p for each additional child or adult.

What's included in the price?

The charge includes a drink, fruit and toast, and all craft materials.

Coming along for the first time

Just turn up!

We have to limit numbers to 30 children, so it's advisable to arrive soon after we open since Toddlers is a popular group. Once we reach 30 children we are unable to admit anyone else.

A monthly event at Cale Green Life Centre - usually held on a Saturday from 10:30am to 2:30pm.

Come and go as you wish. Stay for as long as you want. Choose how to pray.

The Prayer Space provides creative "zones" for you to pray and reflect, either on your own or with others.

Kintsugi Hope Well-being Groups

The stress and demands of modern living are taking their toll on our mental health and well-being. A Kintsugi Hope Wellbeing Group is a safe and supportive space for people who feel or have felt overwhelmed, providing tools for self-management in a facilitated peer-mentoring-style setting.


Well-being groups run for 12 weeks, each week looking at a different theme of mental or emotional health such as anxiety, disappointment, loss and resilience. Groups are free to attend.

Watch this space for news of when the next group is running.


The aim of these groups is to equip individuals with self-management tools at the same time as providing space to develop relationships with others.


Sessions include group and individual activities designed to help participants to accept themselves, to understand their value and worth, and grow towards a more resilient and hopeful future.

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A chance to meet and chat with other Dads

Who Let The Dads Out takes place at Cale Green Life Centre on the third Saturday of every month from 9:30am to 11:30am.

Who Let The Dads Out? offers a place for you and your children to spend time together having fun while mixing with other dads and their children.

You’ll find a relaxed and warm welcome, tea & coffee & juice, a free breakfast barm and plenty of toys and activities.

Neighbourhood Chaplains

An estimated one-fifth of the UK population (9 million people) are lonely. Charity research says that the UK culture leaves many completely isolated, in what the press is calling “the UK’s loneliness epidemic”.

In response to this, our Neighbourhood Chaplains team aim to help tackle loneliness through befriending. We offer a listening ear and practical help towards meeting our neighbours’ physical, emotional and spiritual needs.

  • 360Life Church's Neighbourhood Chaplains began operating in the first half of 2022.

  • Help available includes “helping hands” for simple daily tasks which those in need may not be coping with. There is also an opportunity for regular phone calls or visits for those on their own who would like someone to chat to. Volunteers can also offer prayer and signposting to other helpful local agencies and events.

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  • Cale Green Life Centre
  • 71 Adswood Road
  • Stockport
  • SK3 8HR
  • 0161 850 8360

The Life Centre car park has disabled parking spaces.

The building has wheelchair access and an accessible toilet.

Wheelchair access is not available to the upper floor, which is used for some children's groups during Sunday services.

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