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Happy New Year!


Happy New Year! From the leadership team at 360Life Church.

In this article, you'll find details about when all our usual activities are starting up again after the Christmas break. But first here's a short message from Hayley, Andy and Laura.

Hayley Wall While it is a new year, we are not starting from scratch. I am particularly praying that as we build on what we have already known God lead us in, he will continue to work in us and through us in 2025. Let's be faithful in all things, trusting in the One who weaves everything together to fulfil his plans and purposes. May we each know God's strength and favour this year.

Andy Eadie 2025 is a great number, it is a perfect square (45 x 45) that hasn't happened since 1936 (44 x 44) and won't happen again until 2116! That is significant but simply numerically, but I do feel that with the numeric significance comes spiritual significance for us as 360Life Church. In Romans 15:13 it says "May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace as you trust in him, so that you may overflow with hope by the power of the Holy Spirit" That is my prayer for our church family this year and that we will have a truly significant year for the furthering of His Kingdom!

Laura Whillans A lot of people think of the new year as a blank page, a new beginning, a chance to start over. However, this year I am challenged to see the new year as a chance to build on all that we have seen God do in the last 12 months. What if instead of trying to forget 2024, and everything we saw and went through and experienced, we instead saw it all as a springboard to the amazing things that God wants to do in and through us as his disciples in 2025? What an adventure that could be for us as a church family! I'm excited to be a part of it!

Starting up After a lovely Christmas break, our usual activities are starting up again. Here are the details of what's on and when. You can also check out the church calendar on the website for future dates.

  • Sunday Mornings, 10:30am.
  • Prayer Meetings, Tuesdays, 8pm.
  • Youth at the Whittaker's, every other Tuesday, 7:30pm.
  • Warm Welcome Space, Thursdays, 10am to 2pm.
  • Toddler Group, Fridays, 9:30am.
  • Community Prayer Space, Second Saturdays, Life Centre, 10:30am.
  • Who Let the Dads Out, 9:30am, Third Saturdays.


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Stacks Image 31
  • Cale Green Life Centre
  • 71 Adswood Road
  • Stockport
  • SK3 8HR
  • 0161 850 8360

The Life Centre car park has disabled parking spaces.

The building has wheelchair access and an accessible toilet.

Wheelchair access is not available to the upper floor, which is used for some children's groups during Sunday services.

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